We provide library services around the globe. We manage our own data centre in Australia and host internationally on Amazon Web Services

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Build, integrate and manage efficient and sustainable systems. Innovate in functionality, design and building technology according to the client needs and preferences. Assist and advice clients with all levels of technology expertise. Use the best available open source components and our own integration systems to create well-rounded solutions

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Communities in DSpace

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Now showing 1 - 5 of 9
  • An open source digital library repository.
  • IFLA-related documents
  • Intersearch Document Delivery System
  • An inter-library loans (ILL) application for self-managed library networks.
  • An open source library management system.

Recent Submissions

Cook, David
Senior Software Engineer
Poudel, Keny
Software Engineer
Balnaves, Edmund
Director, Prosentient Systems