Interdocs documentation

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Prosentient's document delivery module, Interdocs, is an intranet application used by a library's registered patrons to request a journal article, book, multimedia, research paper or other item (configurable) and track its fulfilment status. It can also track inter-library loan requests sent by other libraries to your library.

When a request is made for an item not held by the library, the workflow is handled by the document delivery module. If the library has an inter-library loans agreement with another library or libraries, the document delivery module is used to raise, receive, process, track and report on inter-library loan requests.

It also provides the functionality for the librarian to process the request. This includes the ability to recognise and manage clients, review and process their requests, create and manage inter-library loans suppliers, review and process requests from other libraries and generate management reports and statistics.

Interdocs integrates closely with our inter-library loan module, Interloans, which is used by a number of union list networks: GratisNet, GLASS, QShare, LILLI, q-LILLI, Tranzinfo and ALIES. Requests can also be placed through other inter-library loan networks.

When Interdocs and Interloans are used together, patrons are are presented with a unified catalogue of journal holdings from participating libraries. Additionally, if Interdocs is being used in conjunction with the Koha Library Management System, single sign-on is supported through Koha and book loans can be tracked through Koha's circulation system.


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